Climate Action Day September 2019

Climate Action Day.

How did we do?

Well, many people rushed by, some avoiding eye contact (for fear of what?) but a few were eager and pleased to have the opportunity to sign. A number of others took time to read or listen, and sign the petition. The offers of tea or coffee helped.

When asked later, 'How did it go?' Marge answered, 'It's a pity more people didn't drop in.'

Used to the 'voice in the wilderness' feeling, I responded that a significant, positive aspect is the witness from this church for the call for Climate Action and Justice for people affected. I pointed out that many people drove past - slowly - and saw that someone, in this place, cared enough about the subject. They may have been thinking that no local school children protested or went on strike; that it was all far away, in Birmingham, Worcester, London.

Some people aren't persuaded by verbal arguments but are moved by the actions of others around them.

Our aim was to show solidarity with the young protesters I think we did that.

We, the old, have benefited from coal, oil and gas, but the young are going to pay the price.


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